Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Integration Techniques: Problems and]]
Obviously, trigonometric identities will come into play here. Problems like these will be covered in the integration techniques workshop.
Reference: [5]
Reference: [7]
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Integration Techniques: Problem 3.17.21
This is one of the problems which looks intimidating because of its form. A simple technique can solve this although one approach is superior than the other.
We'll solve this in the workshop.
Reference: [6]
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Book: Fermat's Last Theorem
Integration Techniques: Problem 3.14.20
Problem 3.14.20] Solve
Can you identify what technique will work for this kind of problem?
Reference: [6]
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Integration techniques: Problem
Problem] Solve
If you can solve this problem, maybe you should join me. I will offer a workshop on integration techniques soon. I am just finishing my workbook which contains:
1] Introduction. What basic weapons do you need to tackle integration problems? What areas will you find integration techniques useful?
2] Integration Techniques. By merely looking at the problem, how do you know which technique is applicable and will most likely work?
3] Problems. What are the various kinds of inegration problems? At least 10 problems will be given for each kind.
4] Solutions. Detailed solutions will be given. Alternative approaches will also be presented.
5] References.
My workbook is about 1/3 done. For now, I will post my selected problems.
You can join me in at least two capacities. First, you can serve as facilitator in workshops. Second, you can attend as a student. Third, you can donate funds.
The workshops will be held in series, ideally throughout the Philippines, wherever we are needed. This integration technique workshop is actually just one of the many activities I have in mind for the Lemniscate Engineering Institute. We will package programs and projects for this entity and hopefully, we can get sustained external funding.
In the past, we're just offering the Lemniscate Prize which is a monetary reward for undergraduate research in agricultural engineering and food technology. This is already on its 3rd year. This time, we're expanding. We'll build a library and we'll offer workshops. For the library, we already have about a dozen titles in mathematics, physics, agricultural engineering and food engineering.
We're doing this for many reasons. For one, I think we need more engineers and scientists than politicians.